We have a great selection of Palms from the Parlour (Chamaedorea elegans), Areca (Butterfly Palm), Kentia.
Most palms prefer bright indirect light as their leaves will be scored by direct sunlight through glass. Allow top of soil to dry between watering, mist regularly. Avoid cold draughts.
Pruning, no special treatment required, old leaves should be removed by cutting not pulling at plant.
Parlour (Chamaedorea Elegans), Popular here at Alton’s! They can reach up to 3ft or more & once they have aged & been natured, they can produce a small flower.
Areca (Butterfly Palm), can grow up to 8ft tall, can make a great statement plant for large rooms or office spaces.
Kentia, really good at standing lower temperatures & perfect with places that have low light.
Palms can live up to 10 years (& more if they like their environment!) so, think of them as a great addition to your houseplant family! Just don’t over water them.
Check out the full range in store, Houseplant Department also where you can meet the team & have a chat with the experts if needed.