Allett 17" Aerator Quick Change Cartridge
The ‘non-driven’ Aerator cartridge permeates the soil with small holes which allows air, water and nutrients to pass through more easily to the grassroots. This is beneficial as this helps the roots grow more deeply, meaning a healthier, thicker and more luscious lawn.
Aerator also removes soil compaction and helps water move into the soil profile.
This cartridge will only penetrate up to 5mm deep and is not an aggressive aeration tool.
NOTE: This cartridge will only penetrate up to 5mm deep and is not an aggressive aeration tool. It is only meant to slightly penetrate the surface to break up surface crust and works best on surfaces that are well maintained and thatch free/ cut below 20mm.
This cartridge can be used with the following mowers: Liberty 43 & Kensington 17B
For more information on the Lawn Mowers models & accessories please contact our Garden Machinery Department.
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